Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yesterday was another smooth day. The IV from Friday was still good so it did not need to be started again. I only received the 550ml of Saline with 8mg of Cladribine. I was only given the Zofran 8mg and Ativan 1mg before the infusion. Got back to the motor home and slept for an hour and a half. Before going to bed for the night I noticed that the spot where the Campath was given on day one was sore and pinkish in color. The rashes are just about gone. Can still see some traces.

Today I received my second shot of Campath, 10mg and my third dose of Cladribine 8mg via IV. I received the Zofran 8mg, Ativan 1mg, Tylenol 1000mg, and Benadryl 25mg. The Tylenol and Benadryl are only given on the days that I get Campath. The IV needle was removed today to prevent infection.

The nurses and doctors at the hospital are very nice. It helps that the staff is very thoughtful and compassionate. After three treatments I still feel good, with the exception of fatigue.

Today I had two visitors. Dr. Steve Karp who Mike went to High School and college with and my friend Jeff Manzutto, a long time friend from Florida.

We would like to extend a special thank you to Hannah and Nancy Cheney. They participated in the American Cancer Society - Relay for Life Friday night into Saturday morning. They walked for me, in addition to walking for others. Thank you for the luminary!!