Thursday, June 17, 2010

For those that are wondering what I look like, here is a picture of me (Mike).

And now about Bill

Bill spoke with Dr. Castro after I left for work and asked him to write an order for a port. A referral was given to a surgeon that comes highly recommended. We were both hoping that Bill would be able to get the port while he is in the hospital but that is not going to work out. This evening the surgeon stopped by and told Bill the he wants to be sure that the fever is not caused by an infection before he implants the port. This means it will either be on Friday or Monday.

So far today Bill has not had a fever. Bill received his 6th Campath shot this afternoon, in his belly. This was the first shot where he experience pain in his belly. Several hours later the pain subsided. Hopefully Bill will be able to go home tomorrow.