Yesterday Bill was discharged from the hospital at noon. He thought his stomach was back to normal and ate dinner, only to have the pain return due to over eating. Going forward he needs to eat small portions through out the day, He made it through the night without a fever and loved to be in his own bed.
Today was Bill's 7th Campath shot and he felt strong enough to drive himself to the infusion center. Bill said he is more encouraged about the treatment since it seems like his body is learning to tolerate the chemo. This time he took the injection in is right thigh. Shortly after the injection Bill left the infusion center and went to the grocery store, without any effort, to pick up some food.
When I got home from work, I noticed that all the grocery bags were on the counter. When I asked Bill if he was OK he replied "When I got home my legs felt like rubber so I put the cold stuff in the freezer and fridge and ran for the couch". This will be Bill's first week-end since the start of treatment that he will be home and able to relax.