Saturday, November 9, 2019

Post #77 Happy 9th Birthday Post Transplant & Mike’s caregiver speech at the Moffitt reunion November 2015

Hi everyone, it was 9 years ago (3,285 days) today that Bill had his Bone Marrow Transplant.  He is continuing to do well and we are happy that we have such a supportive following.  Over the years we have met so many folks who share in our journey, by finding this blog.  We are still committed to keeping up the blog through the years to leave a trail and to provide hope.   Happy Birthday Bill.

I promised in my last post that I would provide a link to the caregiver speech that I gave at the Moffitt Bone Marrow Transplant reunion.  With this video I celebrate the caregivers that support their loved ones through their journey.  Enjoy!!

Mike's Caregiver Speech - November 2015   < < < click on the link