Post # 71 Responding to a few friends that have found us through the blog
Betsy contacted us in November of 2015 after the reading our blog. Her significant other, Bert was diagnosed with TPLL and was starting his journey. We met for a lovely dinner in Titusville, FL and had great conversation learning about each other and answering questions they had. Bill and I wish them the best of luck on their journey.
Christine and Kyle Jameson contacted us on Jan, 22 2016 after they read the blog. Kyle is on his journey towards transplant, which is scheduled for approximately April 15th. Kyle is a strong young man who has a donor and has a strong caregiver/advocate, his wife. That, with his great attitude will help him through this journey. We think about Kyle and Christine everyday and follow them on Facebook. It is heart felt to see the number of followers they have and the amount of support and prayers they receive. Christine, Kyle and their baby boy Liam are temporarily living in Manhattan for the transplant to be performed at Sloan Kettering. They live in New Hampshire and have been away from home for several months now. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
May of 2015 Kathi Haehnel contacted us through the blog and is on her journey, Bill spoke with Kathi back then. Hope her journey is going well and we wish her the best.
Larry Basil is six months out post transplant and is doing well. Larry is undergoing his six month testing at Moffitt this week, we wish him well.
The most recent post was yesterday April 1st from Marilyn who lives in Australia. We are happy that you found our blog, it is there to give hope to those that follow us. Having a transplant is a decision that only you, your family and your doctor can make. There are many factors that come in to play such as age and health. With the lung issues you have had, the Pulmonary Function Testing that is required to determine if you are a candidate may be a challenge for you. We have heard of people your age that have been candidates if they are healthy and strong. We are happy to help you in any way we can. If you would like to contact us, please leave a post with your e-mail or skype name. We will not publish the post, so your information will be confidential.
Not sure if my first comment went through.... My loved one was just diagnosed with T-PLL and we are seeking physicians with experience in this area. Would love to connect for your advice. If you follow up comment I should be notified. Hope Bill is well, his story give me hope. Kathryn
Kathryn, I left a new post with a message for you.
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